Exchange Rate

Savings Account

Savings Account


Open a Savings Account with HH BANK, you will earn and increase your income through high interest rate per annum with savings in Khmer Riel and US dollars. Interest on deposit is accrued daily and capitalized monthly. HH BANK Savings Account is your most efficient and secure way to start saving. If you are not an HH BANK customer yet, you can open it at any of our bank branches! The more you deposit, the more you earn!



Interest Rate (p.a.)




Term and Condition

  • A fee will be charged USD 10 or equivalent if the customer closes the account 
    within 3 months from the opening date of the account.

Additional Benefit

  • FREE Bank Passbook.
  • FREE Bank Statement.
  • No Monthly Maintenance Fees.


  • For Citizens
    • 18 years old or above.
    • Original and valid National ID or Passport.
  • For Non-Citizens
    • 18 years old or above.
    • Original and valid Passport (with valid Visa)
    • Any document that proves your residence:
      • Physical Presence in Cambodia > 182 days OR -
      • Visa ≥ 3 Months AND
      • Rental Agreement > 6 months OR~
      • Valid Employment Certificate/Letter/Card > 6 months OR
      • Valid Business Contract > 6 months OR


Q1: What is a Savings Account?

A: Savings account is an interest-bearing deposit account kept in the bank that allows customers to deposit and withdraw cash on demand at any time, and in this type of account, customers can also use the passbook or digital banking services.


Q2: How much is the minimum balance of a Savings Account?

A: The minimum balance of a Savings Account is not required.


Q3: How much is the interest rate of a Savings Account?

A: The interest rate of a Savings Account is 0.75% per annum for USD and 1.00% per annum for KHR.


Q4: Can I close my Savings Account?

A: Yes, you can but if you close within 3 months, a 10 USD fee will be levied.


Q5: How many types of Savings Account currency do you have?

A: There are 2 types of currencies, USD and KHR.


Q6:What are the benefits of a Savings Account?

A: The benefits of a Savings Account are:

  • FREE Bank Passbook.
  • FREE Bank Statement.
  • No Monthly Maintenance Fees.
  • Earn Interest Monthly.


Q7: With a Savings Account, can I deposit and withdraw anytime?

A: Yes, within normal banking hours.


SME Loan
Credit Line
Overdraft Facility
Corporate Loan
Current Account
Fixed Deposit