Exchange Rate

Special Account Number

A special account number is a service that allows customers to open a bank account with their favorite number that is easy to remember, which can be the same as their date of birth, phone number, and a series of numbers, lucky numbers, or other special numbers that are important to them. A special account number, which has a 9-digit number, is available to both new and existing HH BANK customers.

Term and Conditions

Savings Account

    • Initial minimum deposit is not required.

Current Account

    • Current Account(Normal) : Initial deposit USD 100 or equivalent and maintain minimum balance USD 100 or equivalent at all times.
    • Current Account(Gold): Initial deposit USD 50,000 or equivalent and maintain minimum balance USD 100 or equivalent all times.
    • Current Account(Platinum): Initial deposit USD 200,000 or equivalent and maintain minimum balance USD 100 or equivalent at all times.
    • Current Account(Diamond): Initial deposit USD 500,000 or equivalent and maintain minimum balance USD 100 or equivalent at all times.
    • Other terms and conditions of the account opening policy are applied.


For Citizens

    • 18 years old or above.
    • Original and valid National ID or Passport.

For Non-Citizens

    • 18 years old or above
    • Original and valid passport (with valid visa) and
    • Any document that proves your residence:
      • Physical presence in Cambodia > 182 Days OR
      • Visa more than 3 Months AND
      • Rental agreement > 6 months OR~
      • Valid employment certificate/Letter/Card.
      • Business contract > 6 Months

FAQs :

  1. Who can open a Special Account Number?
    Answer : Both individuals and Cooperate Customers.
  2. How can I choose a special number as my account number?
    Answer : To have special number as you prefer, you are required to open a bank account with HH BANK
  3. What type of accounts that can be opened with special number ?
    Answer : You can open a new bank account from our various options such as Savings account and Current Account.
  4. Is Special Account number can reuse after closed?
    Answer : One Special account number is one time use only, once the account is close there is no way to return, because the number can’t be duplicated in the system.
  5. Is a Special Account number can receive interest, and how is the interest calculated?
    Answer : Yes, the special account number receives interest from HH BANK's savings and current accounts. Interest on special accounts is calculated by applying the interest rate to the average daily balance of each special account.
  6. Can I book a special number by not visiting a Bank Branch?
    Answer : Yes, In case you need to booking a special number, you can book via our bank website.
  7. Do I have to pay for a special account number?
    Answer : No Currently we are offering for Free until end of 2022 but in thereafter you must pay for the account number that you prefer to follow Bank’s account categories and price.
  8. Can I convert my existing Saving Account/Current Account into a special account number?
    Answer : Yes, you can.
  9. Is there any check facility available with special account number?
    Answer : Yes, Check facility is available for operation of the Special account number.